Other matters


(Extension 3)

DoDo Village

Dodo Village is education space where you can have various programs and experimental activities.
Let’s grow your talents through various experimental activities with Dodo.

What do we have in Dodo Village?

  • Eokkaedongmu education center

    Eokkaedongmu education center is an education space for children offering various learning programs.

  • Eokkaedongmu education center

    Eokkaedongmu education center is an education space for children offering various learning programs.

  • Eokkaedongmu education center

    Eokkaedongmu education center is an education space for children offering various learning programs.

  • Eokkaedongmu education center

    Eokkaedongmu education center is an education space for children offering various learning programs.

Usage notes

You can only enter Eokkaedongmu education center when there is an education program. 


Please take off your shoes before entering.


Please maintain order and enter one by one.